My first carrot harvest. This is a smaller variety of carrot. The ends are rather twisted because of our clay-like soil. The other green in the picture are green onions.
my zucchini patch. its grown exponentially since I took this picture and I've removed the fencing around it. There are 4 plants total, but I think 2 will overtake the other 2 since they are so much bigger.
My soybean patch. They are growing quite well during our hot spell the last week. The sugar snap peas in the background are time I know to grow them in cooler months.
My watermelon patch. I have 4 growing in this area and I have 3 more seedlings in peat pots. I think I will give those away since I don't really have the room for 3 more watermelon plants (although, this is supposed to be a smaller variety (each fruit only weighing about 6 - 8 lbs.)
My almond tree. Some of the nuts have grown pretty big. I have to look up when to pick them...
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