wow...its already the first of september! currently, i am harvesting different varieties of tomatoes, green beans and cucumbers. (sorry, no photos of harvests this weekend).
wow, es ist schon den 1. september! jetzt ernte ich verschiedene sorten von tomaten, gruene bohnen und gurken. (verzeihung, keine fotos von der ernte genommen)
i planted most of my sprouting seeds over the weekend. the onions went into the plot that was cultivated and has no bean plant growing from the middle of it. i also had a lot of carrot seedlings, so i planted them in the other half of that plot.
dieses wochenende habe ich fast alle pflaenzlinge im boden gepflanzt. zwiebelpflaenzlinge sind in einem grundstueck (wo es kein gruene bohnenpflanz hat) eingepflanzt. ich hatte auch viele karrotenpflaenzlinge, deshalb pflanzte ich die im zweiten teil des zwiebel-grundstuecks.
i planted the rest of my pea and bean seedlings in the top garden. the salad mix and buttercruch lettuces also went into the ground in various areas.
erbsen- und bohnenpflaenzlinge sind im boden in top-garten gestellt. die salatmischung und buttercrunch-salat sind auch in ein paar orten im garten gepflanzt.
i turned the compost. added to it.
die kompost ist umgedreht. ich habe auch was dazu gemischt.
i bought more compost (mine probably won't be done until next year) and more peat pots for seed starting. i also bought some fava beans - they are known to help condition the soil. today, i bought a dahlia (i am starting to love these flowers!) and a zinnia plant. they should help attract more beneficial bugs into the garden. i planted both of them in different spots in the top garden.
[ich schreibe spaeter fertig]
i started more seeds this weekend too. a bunch of fava beans, sugar snap and snow peas, broccoli, michihili, pac choi, spinach, salad mix, buttercrunch lettuce, and red and yellow onions. now i just have to figure out where to plant these guys once they start sprouting...
my garlic bulbs that i bought online will be coming in 2 weeks. i also have to find a spot for them. they will probably go into the last plot which today i cultivated, covered with a few inches of compost and covered that with a layer of mulch. i am expecting about 10 heads of garlic, and each one consists about 6 - 8 cloves. (if you don't know, each clove can turn into its own head of garlic). i may need more space for that too!
i may probably end of digging up my cucumber plants to use that space. the plants are slowly finishing up their season anyway (i harvested just 5 cucumbers this weekend).
i wonder when the sweet potatoes will be done. that plant is slowly taking over its spot, the grapes area, the watermelon area and the carrots area. its really a great, dense ground cover, but i can't wait to see what the potatoes look like (and if i have any). at least its very happy!
labor was a lot of garden labor, yes, but lots of fun. i didn't get to taking pictures, sorry. i will try to get some on thursday. oh, and did you know? the slow food nation victory garden in front of san francisco's city hall was dug up this weekend. i wasn't about to get crushed by the number of people that they planned would attend. but i hope they had a good harvest. it just didn't seem like much of those vegetable plants were ready for any kind of harvesting...
Scent can be very problematic
4 hours ago
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