Sunday, June 29, 2008

zucchini - observations

when planting, leave about 3 - 4 feet between plants within a row. they become very hugh and wide. about 3 plants is enough to give you a lot of fruit.

the fruits are very sensitive and can easily be scratched, even by the small spikes on its own leaves. be very careful when removing.

growth is dramatic when the weather is very sunny.

the fruit normally shows whether it has been pollinated or not just after the blossom dies. once blossom curls and the fruit was pollinated, you can probably pick it off the plant.

August 2008:

these plants really do produce a LOT and grow HUGE. big mistake was trying to plant four of these zucchinis in a very small area. i should've only planted one row of squash (instead of 2) back there. it is growing SO close to each other that some are growing ON TOP of the other. this is causing some mildew problems due to bad air circulation and high humidity.

i have been pruning back the leaves/stems that show this mildew every weekend, but this weekend i may actually kill some of these plants. all four have produced over 100 zucchini for me this year and i think its passing its peak health period. although the mildew is not much of a problem (it is more of an aesthetic problem really - the veggies are not hurt) it does eventually kill the plant. so before it spreads to the new veggie plants i planted near it, i think i will just kill it.

it was a great plant though!

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